I am reading “Ready Player One” again because I just saw the movie and missed some of my favorite parts. I also am catching up on some SCI-Fi that I have never read – “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” and “The Martian”
I am desperately waiting for the next Sarah Addison Allen book – but they are all worth repeating. Reading them is like having a sweet tea on a summer porch swing …
After our trip to London, my favorite by-the-pool magazine is “Hello!” it reminds me of my trip to Windsor and may trip to L.A. where I watched the Wedding. Sigh.
I may try and read “The Darkest Minds” before the movie comes out.
I am really interested in reading The Darkest Minds. The movie looks like I will love it and the book as well. Any books you know similar to this that we should check out? What should be on our summer reading list?
Is it just me or has Cosmopolitan magazine gotten less interesting? Maybe I’ve outgrown it? Ugh, never thought I would say that. I still love the Worst Dates Ever article and the Confessions although they have gotten less surprising. Maybe in my old, ripe age of… (nice try)… I have gotten to where I am no longer surprised by anything. Help me! Where is my timeturner?
Also want to reach How to Hang a Witch. Does anyone have any reviews on it? I saw a trailer for the show and it definitely looks like my type of story.